Do What You Love (channeled message from Alpha Omega Light Beings) - INSPIRING LIFE

Solutions for Everything in Life.

اخر الأخبار



Do What You Love (channeled message from Alpha Omega Light Beings)

“When you focus on what you love to do the money does come. We know this sounds like a
platitude but it is very, very true because money does not have its own value. Only what is
behind it has value.
So if you focus on money you will not attain it. You need to focus on value of service. How are
you serving others with your gifts and talents?
The more you focus on service the more you will have.
We do not mean that you need to trade your time for dollars. No, that is not what we are talking
about for on earth the richest people learn to trade their time for leverage of effort. They learn
how to make things for others in a mass produced way. And this is even better because you serve
more people this way.
So the idea is that money is not the focus, livelihood is. The word livelihood means to live (from, “the financial means whereby one lives.”). It does not mean to make money.
When you begin to live what you love to do, you will make much, much money.
So go out and live a living and you will be surprised at what you get.
It is important to focus on the fact that you do want to work using your gifts and talents for
proper remuneration. In other words you could focus on having fun but not emphasize you want
money from it. This is called retired and it will not produce for you great wealth.
We mean that your intention of exchange for your gifts and talents in service to others must have
money associated with it for it to work. This is understandable.
So focus on what you love to do. Live it. Then ask for money in exchange for it. Do not try to
control this process. Simply ask, then love.
Simply ask, then LOVE.
There might be a time when you are doing it for no money as you begin to set the energy
imbalance in place. Think of it this way. The more you are giving of yourself, the more the
energy of money will be returned to you.
It is a law of nature that you cannot give without receiving back (The Law of Compensation). So
if you are giving of yourself you will receive. Very simple. If you ask to receive money you will.
Start today by accessing what you absolutely love to do. Ask that you be given money in
exchange for it. Then and only then do you put in place the wheels of energy in motion.
And then the energy of money will be returned to you for the energy of service.
There is another caveat here. You must, and we mean must, ask that you use your gifts and
talents in service. Do what you absolutely adore doing, for if you do not, you will have not.
You cannot focus on merely serving. You need to focus on serving with your gifts and talents in
joyful blissful service. Pick the thing or things you would do just for the love of doing it.
The universal law of energy exchange (Law of Compensation) will return to you proper
remuneration for this effort. It cannot help but fill the energy gap you create or energy
imbalance as it were. When you are feeding energy into a system the system finds energy
elsewhere to reward or fulfill the imbalance.
Energy is everything and money is representative of energy but not the energy. This is what we
mean by money. It is not the energy itself.
So focus on the service and the money will attach to it and be sent to you in turn as a placeholder
for the energy.
God bless.”
1. Continue doing your gratitude and forgiveness lists every day in your Miracle Journal.
Remember to be grateful for even the negative events in your life.
2. New for this week. Identify your biggest problem, and then enter it on your Miracle list as
your secret dream.
 Take out your Miracle Journal started in Chapter Two.
 Take a deep meditation for at least ten minutes.
 Sit down and write about the biggest problem you think you have in this life time.
 Then begin writing out a daydream you have about this problem. This is your
secret dream.
 Now fashion up a miracle statement related to this daydream. Remember to state
the essence of what you seek versus making it into a goal.
For example, if you want a large sum of money so you can have a beautiful wedding, think
again. A beautiful wedding can even happen for little or no money.
Someone with a large, beautiful home could donate their space to it. A relative might find
donating the food for the wedding a wonderful gift.
Think broad and be flexible. Your miracles attract to possibilities, not limitations!
So get really, really specific about what this wedding will feel like to you, your spouse and
guests. What are the features of a perfect time for it? How would you describe its perfect
Define the spiritual or intangible aspects of this wedding and allow the universe or The Higher
Power to bring it to you in the way that is most miraculous.
So get really, really specific about what this wedding will feel like to you, your spouse and
guests. What are the features of a perfect time for it? How would you describe its perfect
Define the spiritual or intangible aspects of this wedding and allow the universe or The Higher
Power to bring it to you in the way that is most miraculous.
Just writing down your miracles and giving them expression, starts a process of energetic pull to
them. Your miracles in writing become a prayer to the universe for fulfillment. The universe
cannot help but fulfill any prayer you make from your heart, because your heart is your soul
asking for fulfillment.
We are on earth to fulfill our soul‟s desires.
3. Add what you love into your life. This will help open the energetic pathway to realizing
Your Secret Dream.” Add one new thing a week or a day depending on your schedule that you
LOVE to do! This can be an object, an activity, a food or location.
As you become more aware of how you feel about things by doing the above steps you will
begin to see how much bliss and joy you have or do not have in your life. You will begin to see
where you need to add more bliss and joy.
Each day deliberately add more joy into your life. If you like it, add it. After a while you will
begin to notice a shift in your energy. You will begin to attract joy because you are doing more
joy. You will begin to flow in love.
Don‟t try to control anything, just LOVE.
 Money. As you become aware of what you love to do for money add the intention that
you make abundant money from this activity. Start to do it for no money until money
attaches to it and begins to flow into your life. Start small and follow the lead of the
 Love. As you add the things you love to do and be into your life, you will find people
around you will gravitate to you. You will become magnetically charged with love and
attract love. Your friendships will blossom. Your love life will take off.
Your existing relationships will become more authentic and thus more passionate. If you are in a
relationship which does not align with you properly it will realign. This means you may lose it
or it may reshape itself.
 Be you and watch your miracles begin to magnetically attract to you!
Oh, and don’t forget to LOVE! This is not about control. This is about letting go of control
and aligning with a loving and benevolent higher power. Go with the LOVE and watch your
miracles begin!

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