10 Silly Mistakes You Should Never Do While Kissing Your Partner. - INSPIRING LIFE

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10 Silly Mistakes You Should Never Do While Kissing Your Partner.

Do you remember doing silly mistakes while kissing your partner? Well, your partner is never gonna tell you but you should be careful. An awkward kiss or mistakes can blow anyone’s mind. Some people use too much tongue and your partner may or may not like it. If you have been in a long term relationship, you must be aware of the kissing type your partner prefer. But if it’s going to be your first kiss, make sure you don’t do these mistakes that we are going to discuss on this list.

Here are some silly mistakes that people do while kissing. Do a favor to yourself and avoid doing these mistakes.

1. Bad breath
No one would like to kiss someone who has bad breath. A bad smell from your mouth can piss anyone off, not just your partner.
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2. Too much tongue
A kiss can be passionate without using too much tongue. Don’t be so aggressive and find some alternatives to show your affection
3. No tongue at all
Well, too much tongue is not always nice but using no tongue at all is not so romantic either. You should know how to make your partner’s mood.
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4. No hands
No hands while kissing is something girl’s don’t prefer. Using your hands can switch a lot of buttons and it goes a long way.
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5. Biting
A little biting is okay but you don’t have to be a vampire.
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6. You act your partner is doing a  favor by kissing you
Don’t act like your partner is doing a favor by kissing you, give her a proper response and she will love it.
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7. Don’t let saliva run while kissing
Whenever you kissing your partner, don’t let out a sea of saliva to flow on their lips. Try to control your saliva or else your partner will feel like spitting rather than continue kissing you.
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8. Don’t make it rough
Always go gentle and try to catch her response. Don’t always be selfish and do whatever you wanna do, you should make sure that your partner is also enjoying it.
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9. Don’t think of next move
Just enjoy the moment and go with the flow. You can undress each other later.
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10. Don’t lean and put pressure
Passion is good but you don’t have to punch down your partner’s face while kissing. Keep in mind that you don’t have to put pressure.
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If it’s going to be your first kiss, make sure you don’t commit these mistakes.

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