6 Secrets to Refresh Your Look Without Beauty Salons or Expensive Cosmetics - INSPIRING LIFE

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6 Secrets to Refresh Your Look Without Beauty Salons or Expensive Cosmetics

Beauty experts will most likely say that you need to eat healthily, go to a gym, and visit a cosmetologist on a regular basis. Clearly, they’re right. But what if you’ve got only a month before a big event?
Bright Side decided to find out what little secrets can help you freshen up your whole look in just a month. Your skin will look brighter, your eyes will shine, and your hair and nails will be strong and will look incredible.

1. For your body

  • Boiled beet salad
What is it good for? Beet juice cleanses the blood and arteries. And there’s an obvious connection between healthy blood and your appearance. Besides, such a salad improves the work of your inner organs and the quality of your skin.
  • Sour cream and salt scrub
Mix sea salt with regular salt in a glass. Add a glass of sour cream to the mix. After taking a shower in the evening, massage your body with the mix and rinse it with warm water. You can use this scrub every day.
    What is it good for? Salt, known for its disinfecting qualities, removes the dead skin and little pimples. Sour cream nourishes skin cells and alleviates the effect of salt on your skin. This scrub won’t scratch or damage the skin.
    Keep in mind that you can’t use the salt scrubs if:
    • you have very sensitive skin;
    • the network of blood vessels and capillaries are located close to the surface of the skin;
    • there are scars, scratches, and inflammations on your skin.
    • 2. For your nails

    A very good way to grow strong nails and healthy shiny hair is to start eating at least 50 g of nuts every day. Choose the ones you like the most: hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, or pistachios.
    What is it good for? All nuts are rich in the essential fatty acids and vitamin E. That’s exactly what you need for health and beauty.

    3. For your hair

    • Mustard powder and oil hair mask
    Beauty experts recommend applying such a mask at least once every 3 days. To make the mask, mix mustard powder with vegetable oil until you get the consistency of a paste. Apply the paste to slightly damp hair and leave it for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
      What is it good for? Your hair will grow faster and become more beautiful if you use this mask on a regular basis.
      Keep in mind that you can’t use this mask if you have:
      • hypertension;
      • any health issues connected to the work of your heart and blood vessels;
      • psoriasis, injuries, cuts, and inflammations on your scalp;
      • allergy to mustard;
      • you’re pregnant.
      • Menthol water
      • Instead of using a regular hair conditioner you can make and use a special water. Just add 5 drops of the menthol essential oil to 1 l of water. After washing your hair, rinse it with this water.
        What is it good for? Menthol essential oil soothes your skin and lightens your hair. It can also help if you have a headache. If you have oily roots, such water can make your hair look fresh and beautiful much longer.

        4. For your face

        1 hour before going to bed apply the mix of glycerine and vitamin E to clean facial skin. To make the mix you’ll need to add 10 capsules of vitamin E to 1 oz of glycerine (just squeeze the liquid from the vitamin E capsules by pricking them with a needle).
        You can also massage your face with a soft brush before applying the mix to it. Thus the cells will absorb more beneficial nutrients. Spritz your face with refreshing tonic spray to make it less sticky.
          What is it good for? Your skin cells will get a great amount of nourishment, little wrinkles will become less visible, and your skin complexion will become even.
          Things to keep in mind:
          • the mix should not be stored; make it right before using it;
          • make sure that you buy high-quality glycerine at a drugstore;
          • vitamin E allergy is very rare, but the allergic reactions can be caused by other components contained in the capsules. Make sure you’re not allergic to any of them by applying the capsule liquid to your wrist or to the inside of your elbow first.
          • 5. For your feet

          • After taking an evening shower, apply a great amount of butter mixed with mint essental oil to your feet. Put on a pair of socks made of natural materials. Use cotton socks in the summer and wool socks in the winter. And go to bed!
            What is it good for? Butter softens and smoothes the skin. After a month of such care, your feet will become very soft and beautiful. You’ll be ready for beach season with gorgeous feet. Go on and buy a new pair of sandals!
          • 6. For your eyelashes

            It’s time to take care of your eyelashes, as well. Take an empty mascara tube and clean it properly with a brush. When it’s dry, drip wheat germ oil into it. Apply the oil onto your eyelashes right before going to bed.

            What is it good for? In just a month you’ll be surprised when you see your gorgeous long eyelashes.
            What beauty tricks do you use to refresh your look in a short period of time? Share with us in the comments.

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