Easy Natural Ways To Remove Tartar Buildup At Home - INSPIRING LIFE

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Easy Natural Ways To Remove Tartar Buildup At Home

Do you have a horrible tartar build-up on your teeth?

You will know if you do, because it is a horrible yellow/brown mineral deposit found on your teeth, and can usually be found on the back of your teeth. This build up is a very common problem and is caused by inefficient brushing and a bad diet, which if left untreated can cause periodontitis.

Periodontitis is inflammation and infection of the ligament and alveolar bone that supports the teeth, which can, in fact, be prevented by avoiding the build-up of tartar on your teeth.

Many people seek attention from a dentist to have tartar removed, but you can, in fact, treat it yourself at home. Be aware, however, that these treatments will only achieve a fraction of the results a dentist can, there is no more effective way of removing tartar than visiting your dentist.

There are numerous of household items you can use to remove tartar at home, all you need is some hydrogen peroxide, water, baking soda, salt, antiseptic mouthwash, dental pick, and a toothbrush.

Here are some simple methods to remove tartar:

1. Mix a cup of hydrogen peroxide with ½ a cup of warm water, rinse your mouth for one minute, spit and then rinse again with a ½ cup of cool water.

2. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a ½ teaspoon of salt in a cup, rinse your toothbrush with warm water, and dip it into the mix. Then brush your teeth and spit. The treatment should take about five minutes.

3. Rinse your mouth with a natural antiseptic mouthwash every second day.

4. Use a dental pick to remove the tartar, but be careful not to scrape your gums.

To keep your teeth clean and healthy and prevent the build-up of tartar, try these helpful tips:

Eat Cheese

Eating Swiss or Cheddar cheese before a meal helps to neutralize the acids that lead to tartar.

Strawberries and Tomatoes

Strawberries and tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, they help to keep your teeth white and soften tartar. Rub them on your teeth and leave them for five minutes. This technique also works with other food that is high in vitamin C.

Dental Floss

Flossing your teeth twice a day after brushing helps to prevent the build-up of tartar, practice your technique and it should only take 30 seconds to do.

Eat Spicy Food

Eating chili and other spicy foods trigger your saliva glands, which help to clean your mouth naturally.

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