5 Depression Management Tricks That Make You Happy Again - INSPIRING LIFE

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5 Depression Management Tricks That Make You Happy Again

Depression is a mysterious illness. Brain scientists and psychologists say that it’s a chemical imbalance in the brain, which is true. The issue isn’t with the diagnosis, but with the treatment.
The problem – and it’s a prevalent one – is the over-prescribing of brain-altering drugs as “the cure.” However, prescription drugs do no such thing. While one may feel some symptomatic relief, drugs merely mask the underlying condition
This is not to say that prescription medication has no value.  But no drug has been, and likely never will be, marketed as a short-term solution. Therein lies the rub.
Once you’re on the drug, you’re on the drug. To wean off of anti-depressants safely requires tapering, or lowering of the dosage for an extended period.
This tapering process often produces some nasty side effects (see serotonin syndrome and brain zaps). Some of these side effects are so severe in certain people that the physician has to up the dosage again.
This is not to say that prescription medication has no value.  But no drug has been, and likely never will be, marketed as a short-term solution. Therein lies the rub.
Once you’re on the drug, you’re on the drug. To wean off of anti-depressants safely requires tapering, or lowering of the dosage for an extended period.
This tapering process often produces some nasty side effects (see serotonin syndrome and brain zaps). Some of these side effects are so severe in certain people that the physician has to up the dosage again.


A former competitive runner and epidemiologist for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) gives some valuable advice:
– “Vitamin therapy in which large doses of vitamin B is ingested regularly under the supervision of a doctor.”
– “Fairly vigorous exercise has been shown to release the same neurotransmitters as antidepressant medications.”
– “Reducing sugar intake and eating less processed foods including gluten.”
– “Meditation and deep breathing exercises.”
Finally, another piece of valuable advice:
“Claims of depression cures are often used to see products that may be useless or only work for those who believe (because) a television personality or celebrity doctor says so.”


Once again, please understand that depression is a neurochemical imbalance that requires patience, diligence, and possibly medical intervention to overcome.
It’s a tough illness to deal with at times, and many people do so in their own way.
But perhaps happiness can be found in some … well … other places!
The warm-hearted answer from the same young man mentioned prior deserves some page space! Here are, once again, some of his suggestions:
“Find a room alone and a mirror. Stand in the of the mirror, (stick) your tongue out and start jumping. Your mood will be light soon.”
“The other way (is) to hangout with (friends).”
“These are the ways that will help you with the depression.”
Gotta love the enthusiasm!
And if you cracked a smile reading his answer, we’re heading in the right direction.

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