Are any of your kids a condom snorter? Well, this is the latest trend doing the rounds on social media a “Condom Snorting Challenge.” Okay, here’s it, teens unroll a condom and jam it up one nostril, they plug the other nostril and inhale as hard as they can until the rubber touches their throat. Then they grab it with their fingers and pull it out of their mouth. Now, that’s really freaking out, isn’t it?
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Teens go through many hurdles like depression, bullying, parents divorce, alcohol use, drug use, academic problems and social media phobia. And now, this one new trend condom snorting challenge, that’s got them freaking out and hooked too.

As users. every day we come across different trend and challenges appearing on social media. And teens love freaking out on challenges that trend online, which they wish to be a part of. All ens desire that their YouTube video gets uploaded and receives maximum attention or viewership, including, get paid for it too.

Teens all over have been doing some daring stuff and freaking out on tortuously tempting games like the “Blue Whale” for a while. Now, they prefer to indulge in some more serious and risky challenges like the new trend of condom snorting challenge, by having them uploaded online for maximum likes.

There was a trend among teens, a game titled “Tide Pod Challenge,” where these teenagers would have to bite into bright colored liquid detergent capsules, or pretense to cook them in pans, then munching the lot and belching soap from their mouths. These freaking videos raised plenty of concern on social media.

The purpose of this freaking out condom snorting challenge is basically to get the maximum attention online and the videos go viral. But mind you, this idea of threading a condom through your nose and pulling it from your mouth is not new.

This condom snorting challenge trend started sometime in 2007, receiving plenty of recognition in 2013. This is the time a YouTube video doing the rounds online showcased a young woman inhaling a condom up her nose with Taylor Swift’s “22,” playing in the background.

Well, this isn’t the first time where teens have done freaking out things in the rush for some internet recognition. Back in 2012, a YouTube video aired more than 50,000 clips of teens swallowing a tablespoon of cinnamon without water, then gag and puke out a puff of orange dust as per terms of the “cinnamon challenge.

Snorting condoms is definitely very dangerous. Accidentally swallowing a condom can result in a collapsed lung or even, in at least one case, appendicitis. Many teens are with the frame of mind, that this trend of condom snorting challenge has no consequences, it’s all fun and frolic. Well, they’re wrong

Sometime back in 2004, a 27-year-old woman unintentionally sucked a condom down her throat and into her lungs during oral sex. This resulted in the woman being struck with pneumonia and causing a breakdown to the upper right lobe of her lung.

Bruce Y. Lee, a Forbes contributor and associate professor of International Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health writes that with the exception of doctor-prescribed nasal sprays, that whatever is shoved up the nose, definitely damages the nose’s sensitive inner lining, causing an allergic reaction, or it could turn infectious.

“Even if you manage to successfully pull the condom out through your mouth, inhaling a condom up your nose would be very uncomfortable and potentially quite painful,” Lee wrote. “Is it gonna be that worthy, in order to just get some extra likes and views?”

A state education specialist Stephen Enriquez mentions, that today’s kids are clever and there may be many types of drugs, we need to know exactly what our kids are up to? This is the reason we are trying to share because the teens of today are all rushing to entirely do things just for likes, views, and subscribers. Enriquez added. “As graphic as it is, we have to show parents because teens are going online looking for challenges and re-creating them.”

We strictly advise teens not to take part in this new trend of condom snorting challenge because if the condom gets stuck in the nasal cavity or the throat, it could choke you to death. So, caution yourselves and start freaking out on something healthy and positive games.

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