Psychological Test: Guess Which of the 4 Babies Is a Girl - INSPIRING LIFE

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Psychological Test: Guess Which of the 4 Babies Is a Girl

Guessing a baby’s gender just by looking at their face can be a tricky thing. Scientists suggest adults and even neonatologists and pediatricians get the right answer only 60% of the time. Do you think you can do better?

We at INSPIRING AND TOUGHTS  suggest you take this fun psychological test to find out if you really can do it and also to learn a couple of new things about your personality.

Chubby cheeks #1

1. If you picked baby #1, you can be characterized as a reasonable person who believes in their principles and tends to act in accordance with the existing rules. You analyze, then you make your decision. You always do your best to find the only right solution to the problem, trying not to harm others’ feelings at the same time. You prefer to avoid conflicts and you often put other people’s interests first, even though sometimes they don’t deserve your time and effort. You always try to be impartial and turn to your wisdom whenever you need to make a decision.
It’s high time you stopped caring about others so much and focus on yourself and what’s going on in your life. Don’t postpone happiness, be happy today.

Cuddle bunny #2

2. Baby #2? Wow, you’re such a creative thinker! You’re full of innovative ideas that always help you create amazing things. You like being active and accept new challenges. You never miss an opportunity to learn something new. You’re not afraid of changes because you believe that everything happens for the best. You’re living each day of your life as if it were your last, but it looks like you’re living in a bubble — so many people would like to approach you, but you never let them get close.
Learn how to cope with disappointments. Yes, there are always people who want to be with you for selfish reasons, but you shouldn’t ignore those who would really like to know you better. Just give them a chance. Soon you’ll understand if you need that particular person in your life or not.
And congrats! This actually is a little lady!

Cutie pie #3

3. If you think it’s baby #3, you’re most likely a very sociable person. Your charisma helps you get along with anyone, but the real treasure for you is the time you spend with your friends. You’re crazy about adventures and the adrenaline they bring. Sometimes you act impulsively, but that’s just because you believe that the biggest risk is not taking any risk. Although it might be true, and our life is full of risks, but next time you take a risk think about the consequences too.
Remember that you’re surrounded with a lot of great people and some of them not only appreciate you, but love you with all their hearts. So, next time you make one of your impulsive decisions, keep in mind they can hurt someone who really cares about you.

Angel face #4

4. If you’ve chosen baby #4, it says a lot about your personality. Although you have a big heart, you also have a huge ego. You think you’re always right about everything and there’s either your way or the wrong way to do things. You’re strong and you can easily adapt to new circumstances around you, that’s why you often play the leading role. Good thing is that you’re full of creative and innovate ideas, so whenever you are a team leader, remember to take others’ opinions into consideration. Yours might not be always the best.
If you want to keep nice people in your life, you should learn to become a good listener. People around you also want to feel valuable and appreciated. Plus, your ability to acknowledge someone else’s efforts will make you a much better leader.
Please share with us in the comments if you could tell these babies apart and guessed their genders correctly.

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