Types Of Headaches That Could Be An Early Warning Sign Of Something Very Dangerous - INSPIRING LIFE

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Types Of Headaches That Could Be An Early Warning Sign Of Something Very Dangerous

Most of us get headaches from time to time, and the reasons behind it are varied. It could be the result of dehydration, lack of sleep, the list just goes on and on!
However, your headaches could be a warning sign of even more worrying health problems.
It’s better to be safe than sorry, so if your concerned about your headache, then it’s advised that you go visit your doctor as soon as you can.
Here are a few types of headaches that could indicate that there’s something very wrong with your health.
A headache with neck pain
If your headache is accompanied by face and neck pain, it has the potential to tear one of your four carotid arteries which is located along the side of your neck.
If you damage one of these arteries in any way what so ever, it could result in a large accumulation of blood that blocks the flow of fresh blood from your heart to your brain. It has the potential to cause a stroke!
Headaches and numbness
Experiencing a headache with numbness could be a warning sign of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis.
It means that you have an excess amount of blood or bleeding around your brain, which is another major cause of a stroke.
The thunderclap headache
These headaches that happen suddenly like thunder, and can leave your head throbbing in pain for about a minute. While it’s typically nothing serious, if it returns in an hour it culd be the start of a fatal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Headaches along with vision impairment
Giant Cell Arteritis is a condition where the arteries in your head become inflamed. This inflammation is often accompanied by pain behind your eyes, in your upper neck, and in the back of your head. During these headaches it’s also common to experience blurred vision. If it goes untreated for a long period, it could increase your risk of stroke and permanent blindness.
Headaches related to injuries
If you injured yourself in any way and began experiencing headaches within 10 days of the event, we strongly advise you to go visit a doctor. You could be suffering from a concussion.
Headaches with a stiff neck
This is could be a warning sign of meningitis.
Headaches after physical activity
Getting headaches after exercising is a sign of dehydration. Make sure you bring a water bottle with you the next time your at the gym so you can stay properly hydrated.
Headaches and pregnancy
You shouldn’t have a frequent headache when your pregnant, but if that’s the case then you should go see your doctor to find the root of the problem.

Now lets look at the different types of headaches:

Sinus Headache
If there is sinus inflammation, you could have a sinus headache that actually causes severe pain. This type of headache is a result of an infection, which eventually can cause pressure on the eyes, cheeks and forehead and you could have fever as well.
Treatment: you should drink as much liquids as you can. You will benefit a lot from drinking warm water, because it will effectively decrease the inflammation and it will open up the sinuses.
Additionally you should eat oranges, certain foods that are high in vitamin C or you could drink a lemon green tea, because vitamin C contains a lot of antioxidants and can help your body to fight against infections.
You can apply cold and hot compresses; eat a warm soup to lower the pain, drink fresh ginger tea, since it has amazing anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing properties.
Tension Headache
It is one of the most common headache types and it is manifested by a continuous pressure and pain around your head, mostly in the back of the neck and head or at the temples.
Additionally, it can cause a severe pain around the eye area. It can cause nausea and vomiting. This type of headache is stress related and causes contraction on the muscles of the neck and the scalp.
Treatment: mix peppermint oil and ginger tea to reduce the pain. You can cause cooling sensation by adding peppermint oil onto the hairline. This will relax your head and the neck muscles. You should drink ginger tea to reduce the inflammation.
Cluster Headache
It usually appears over one eye and in most cases it affects women. It usually recurs and can happen in a group or in a cycle. It actually appears suddenly and causes severe pain on one side of the head. If this happens you can experience a watery eye, a nasal congestion or a rainy nose.
The cause of this headache cannot be stated, but it happens when a certain nerve pathway is activated in the base of the brain.
Treatment: in the capsaicin cream there is cayenne pepper. If you apply a little bit onto the nostril you will experience a blockade of the nerve pain signals.
They are usually happening between the age of 25 and 55. However people can experience them regardless of their age. In America over 38 million of people experience migraines.
It is very complicated type of headache, because it includes different neurological symptoms. They are manifested by a severe, intense and throbbing pain on one side of the head. In ½ of migraine attacks, this pain happens on both sides of the head.
Migraine is combined with different symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, visual disturbances, dizziness, extreme sensitivity to light, sound, smell, touch and tingling and numbness in the face. All these symptoms go from the top of the head downward.
Treatment: it is shown that different migraine patients have experienced benefits from vitamin B12 (riboflavin), omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium. In order to prevent them you should include them in your everyday diet.
One study that was conducted in 2011 said that aerobic exercise can be extremely efficient in preventing migraines and they are preventative migraine medication topiramate. That is why you should workout regularly.

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