Fulfi ll Your Needs to Become Irresistibly Attractive - INSPIRING LIFE

Solutions for Everything in Life.

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Fulfi ll Your Needs to Become Irresistibly Attractive

There is a huge benefit to getting your needs fulfilled: you
will instantly become much more attractive. This is one of the
laws of attraction: If you don’t need it, you are more likely to attract
it. You’ve already experienced this in life. The man or woman
you aren’t interested in can’t stop calling. You don’t need them
or aren’t interested, so they are irresistibly drawn to you. Similarly,
we all run from the classic “clinging vine,” be they male or
female. If you are too needy you’ll turn your date off or scare
him or her away. This principle also applies to business. If you
have loads of credit card debt and go to the bank for a debt consolidation loan to get yourself out of debt, it is highly likely
the bank will decline your request due to “excessive obligations.”
In other words, you are “too needy” or desperate fi nancially.
I used to be a bank manager and this is precisely what
we did. On the other hand, if you had some savings, even with
a poor credit rating, we would simply secure your savings and
give you the loan. You don’t need it, so we were happy to give
the money to you.
To become more attractive to the people, love, and opportunities
you most desire, you must banish all vestiges of neediness.
And, to do that, it certainly helps to know specifi cally
what your unique personal and emotional needs are and take
practical steps to fulfi ll them in healthy, positive ways.
Instead of pretending our needs don’t exist, we must do
the opposite. We must fi gure out exactly what our personal
and emotional needs are (there are many more than Maslow’s
original seven or eight) and then set up a system to automatically
fulfi ll them. When I’m working with my coaching clients
we work through each of Maslow’s steps in the hierarchy of
needs. First they’ll take the Emotional Index Quiz to begin
the personal and emotional needs process; next they’ll identify
their core or true values and peak experiences. Knowing what
the process is and having specifi c programs to work on accelerates
the process of growth and development. What a wonderful
world it will be when we all get to the values part! So hurry up
and get your needs met so we can all get on with the fun stuff
in life.

