Does Life Sometimes Seem to Be Unfair? - INSPIRING LIFE

Solutions for Everything in Life.

اخر الأخبار



Does Life Sometimes Seem to Be Unfair?

You have wanted more success and you have applied yourself well, doing everything that everyone
said you should do, but the success you have been seeking has been slow to come. You tried very
hard, especially at frst, to learn all the right things, to be in the right places, to do the right things, to
say the right things . . . but often things did not appear to be improving much at all.
Earlier in your life, when you were frst dipping your toe into the idea of achieving success, you
found satisfaction in satisfying the expectations of the others who were laying out the rules for
success. The teachers, parents, and mentors who surrounded you seemed confdent and convincing
as they laid out their rules for success :
“Always be on time; always do your best; remember to work hard; always be honest; strive for
greatness; go the extra mile; there’s no gain without pain; and, most important, never give up. . . .”
But, over time, your fnding satisfaction from gaining the approval of those who laid out those rules
waned as their principles of success—no matter how hard you tried—did not yield you the
promised results. And it was more disheartening still when you stood back to gain some perspective
on the whole picture and realized that their principles were not, for the most part, bringing them real
success either. And then, to make matters even worse, you began meeting others (who clearly were
not following those rules) who were achieving success apart from the formula that you had been so
diligent to learn and apply.
And so you found yourself asking: “What’s going on here? How can those who are working so hard
be receiving so little, while those who seem to be working so little are achieving so much? My
expensive education hasn’t paid off at all—and yet that multimillionaire dropped out of high school.
My father worked hard every day of his life—and yet our family had to borrow the money to pay
for his funeral. . . . Why doesn’t my hard work pay off for me the way it was supposed to? Why do
so few really get rich, while most of us struggle to barely get by? What am I missing? What do
those fnancially successful people know that I don’t know?”

Is “Doing Your Best” Still Not Enough?

When you are doing everything you can think of, truly trying your best to do what you have been
told is supposed to bring you success, and success does not come, it is easy to feel defensive, and
eventually even angry at those who are displaying evidence of the success you desire. You even fnd
yourself sometimes condemning their success simply because it is too painful to watch them living
the success that continues to elude you. And it is for this reason—in response to this chronic
condition in the fnancial affairs of your culture—that we offer this book.
When you come to the place of openly condemning the fnancial success that you crave, not only can
that fnancial success never come to you, but you are also forgeiting your God-given rights to your
health and happiness as well.
Many actually come to the incorrect conclusion that others in their physical environment have
banded together in some sort of conspiracy to keep them from succeeding. For they believe, with all
of their heart, that they have done everything possible to achieve success, and the fact that it has not
come must surely mean that there are some unfriendly forces at work that are depriving them of
what they desire. But we want to assure you that nothing like that is at the heart of the absence of
what you desire or of the presence of things you would like to remove from your experience. No
one ever has or ever could have prevented your success—or provided it. Your success is all up to
you. It is all in your control. And we are writing this book so that now, fnally, once and for all time,
your success can be in your deliberate and conscious control.

Whatever I Can Desire, I Can Achieve

It is time for you to return to the true nature of your Being and to consciously live the success that
the experiencing of your own life has helped you determine that you desire. And so, as you deliberately
relax right now, breathing deeply and reading steadily, you will begin to gradually but surely
remember how all success comes, for you already inherently understand it, and so you will certainly
feel resonance with these absolute truths as you read about them here.
The Eternal Laws of the Universe are consistent and reliable and steadily hold, always, the promise
of expansion and joy. They are being presented to you here in a powerful rhythm of understanding
that will start small within you and then expand with each page you read, until you reawaken into
the knowledge of your purpose and your own personal power as you remember how to access the
power of the Universe that creates worlds.
If this time-space reality has within it the ability to inspire a desire within you, it is absolute that
this time-space reality has the ability to yield you a full and satisfying manifestation of that same
desire. It is Law.

