Jerry: People like witch doctors and faith healers and medical doctors, all of them have a reputation
for healing some people and for losing some of their patients too. So what do you see the place for
such people in thought or in life?
Abraham: The important thing that all of those have in common is that they stimulate belief in their
patience. The first part of the balance of creation has been accomplished, because the illness has
enhanced the desire for Wellness. And anything that brings about belief or expectation will give
positive results.
When medicine and science stop looking for cures and begin to look for vibrational causes, or
imbalances, they will see a much higher rate of recovery. If a doctor does not believe that you can
recover from your illness, your association with that doctor is extremely detrimental. And often well
meaning doctors will defend their doubt for your recovery by pointing out the odds against it,
telling you that it’s not likely that you will be an exception. The trouble with that logic, even though
it’s based on the facts or evidence that medicine and science have come to expect, is that it has
nothing to do with you. There are only two factors that have anything to do with your recovery:
your desire and your belief. And this negative diagnosis is hindering your belief. And so, if you
have a strong desire for recovery, and doctors are giving you no hope, it is logical that you would
turn to alternative approaches, where hope is not only allowed, but encouraged. For there is much
evidence to show that people can recover from supposedly “incurable” diseases.
Your physician as a means to Well-Being
Do not condemn your modern medicine, for it has been created because of the thoughts, desires and
beliefs of the members of your society. But we want you to know that you have the power to
accomplish anything that you desire. But you cannot look outside of yourself for the validation to
do so. Your validation will come from within you in the form of emotion. Seek your vibrational
alignment first, and then follow through with inspired action. Let your medical community assist
you in your recovery, but do not ask them to do the impossible – don’t ask them to give you a cure
to compensate for your misaligned energy.
Without asking there can be no answering. And attention to a problem really isn’t asking for a
solution. So, it’s not unusual that doctors would be examining the physical body, looking for
problems, for which they might have a solution. But looking for problems is a powerful catalyst for
attracting them. And so, often well-meaning doctors are instrumental in perpetuating more illness
than they are able to find cures for. We’re not suggesting that they are not wanting to help you,
we’re saying that their dominant intent, when they examine you, is to find some evidence of
something wrong. And since that is their dominant intent, that is more of what they will attract than
anything else. In time, after they’ve been involved in it for a period of time, they begin to believe in
the fallibility of man. They begin to notice more of what is wrong than what is right, and that is the
reason that so many of them begin to attract illness into their own experience.
Jerry: Is that the reason that so often physicians can’t heal themselves?
Abraham: That is the reason. It is not easy to be focused upon others’ negatives, without
experiencing the negative emotion within your own being. And illness exists because of the
allowance of negativity. One who never experiences negativity, will not be sick.
What can I do to help them?
Jerry: So what’s the best thing that I, as an individual, could do for other people that are having
physical problems?
Abraham: You never help others when you allow yourself to be a sounding board for their
complaints. Seeing them as you know they want to be is the most valuable thing you can do for
them. Sometimes that means removing yourself from their vicinity, because when you’re near them,
it’s difficult not to notice their complaints. You might say to them, “I’ve learned the power of my
attention and thought. And so, as I hear you speaking of what I know you don’t want, I must tell
you that I must remove myself, for I don’t want to contribute to your miscreating”. Try do distract
them from their complaints. Try to help them focus upon some positive aspects. Do your best to
imagine their recovery.
You will know when you are of value to anyone when you are able to think about the person and
feel good at the same time. When you love others without worry, you are an advantage to them.
When you enjoy them, you help them. When you expect them to succeed, you help them. In other
words, when you see them as your own Inner-Being sees them, then and only then is your
association with them to their advantage.