I know how I want to feel - INSPIRING LIFE

Solutions for Everything in Life.

اخر الأخبار



I know how I want to feel

Sometimes, when you’re in the midst of an uncomfortable situation, you struggle to find any
positive aspects within it. Some things are intolerable. Some things are so big and so bad, that it
does not seem possible for you to find anything positive about it. But that is because you’re
attempting to take too large of a jump from the awfulness of what you’re focused upon to the
solution that you desire. In other words, if you want to find an action solution right now that will fix
this, but you find yourself in a situation where no action that you can take seems appropriate,
always remember that while there may not be a positive aspect to your action in this moment, and
while you may not be able to figure out what to do that would make you feel better, you always do
know how you want to feel. It’s a bit like someone saying, “I’ve just jumped out of an airplane and
I have no parachute. What shout I do now?”
There are situations where, given the current circumstances, there is no action or thought that at this
point will make a significant enough difference to change the outcome that’s barreling in upon you.
And in the same way that sometimes you cannot find any action that will fix things, there’s no
thought that will immediately change it either. But if you understand the power of your thought, and
the incredible leverage that consistently good feeling thoughts provide, and you begin deliberately
choosing your thoughts by utilizing the guidance that your feelings or emotions are indicating to
you, you can easily transform your life into predominantly good feeling experiences by focusing
upon the improved feeling.
If you’re able to find even the smallest feeling of relief in a deliberately chosen thought, your gentle
path toward your solution will begin. What to do in certain situations may not by clear to you, and
you may at times not even be able to identify what it is that you want to have, but there’s never a
time that you are unable to identify to some extent how you want to feel. In other words, you know
that you would rather feel happy than sad, you know you’d rather be refreshed than tired, or
invigorated rather than enervated. You know that you would rather feel productive than
unproductive. You know that you would rather feel free than confined, and growing rather than
There is not enough action available to compensate for misaligned thought. But when you begin to
gain control of the way you feel, by more deliberately choosing the direction of your thought, you
will discover the powerful leverage in thought. If you will bring yourself to a more deliberate
control of your own thought, you will bring yourself to a more deliberate control of your own life
Nothing is more important than feeling good

Becoming more deliberate about the things you think is not a difficult thing. You’re often particular
about what you eat, or the vehicle you drive, or the clothes you wear, and being a deliberate thinker
does not require much more deliberate discrimination than that. But learning to deliberately direct
your thoughts toward the aspect of the subject that feels best to you will have a much greater impact
on the improvement of your life than the choosing of a meal or of a vehicle or of clothing.
Once you read these words and feel your own personal resonance with their meaning and power,
you’ll never again feel negative emotion without realizing that you’re receiving important guidance
to assist you in guiding your thoughts in a more productive and beneficial direction. In other words,
you will never again feel negative emotion and not understand that it means you’re in the process of
attracting something unwanted.
A significant thing is happening with you as you’re coming into conscious awareness of your
emotions and the guidance that they provide. Because even in your ignorance of what negative
emotion meant, you were still negatively attracting. And so, understanding your emotion now gives
you control of your life experience.
When you’re feeling less than good, if you’ll stop and say, “Nothing is more important than that I
feel good. I want to find a reason now to feel good”, you will find an improved thought, which will
lead to another and another. And as you develop the habit of looking for good feeling thoughts, the
circumstances that surround you must improve, the LOA demands it.
When you feel good, you experience a sensation of doors opening as the Universe is cooperating
with you. And when you feel bad, it feels as if doors are closing, and the cooperation stops.
Anytime you feel negative emotion, you’re in the mode of resisting something that you want, and
that resistance takes its toll on you. It takes its toll on your physical body, and it takes its toll on the
wonderful things that you are allowing to come into your experience.
Through your process of living life and noticing things wanted and unwanted, you’ve created a sort
of vibrational escrow, which in a sense holds for you those wanted things you’ve identified, until
you become a close enough vibrational match to them that you allow yourself a fully manifested
receiving of them. But until you find a way to feel good about them, even though they have not yet
manifested in your experience, it may seem to you that they’re on the outside of a door that you
cannot open. However, as you begin to look for more positive aspects regarding the things that
occupy your thoughts, and as you deliberately choose the more positive end of the stick of
possibilities, regarding the subjects that dominate your thought processes, that door will open and
everything that you desire will flow easily into your experience.

