By choosing better-feeling thoughts and by speaking more of what you do want and less of what
you do not want, you will gently tune yourself to the vibrational frequency of your broader, wiser
Inner Being. To be in vibrational alignment with that Broader Perspective while living your own
physical life experience is truly the best of all worlds because as you achieve vibrational alignment
with that Broader Perspective, you then see your world from that Broader Perspective. To see your
world through the eyes of Source is truly the most spectacular view of life, for from that vibrational
vantage point, you are in alignment with—and therefore in the process of attracting— only what
you would consider to be the very best of your world.
Esther, the woman who translates the vibration of Abraham into the spoken or written word, does so
by relaxing and deliberately allowing the vibration of her own Being to raise until it harmonizes
with the Non-Physical vibration of Abraham. She has been doing this for many years now, and it
has become a very natural thing for her to do. She has long understood the advantage of aligning
her vibration so that she could effectively translate our knowledge for other physical friends, but she
had not really understood another wonderful beneft of that alignment until one beautiful spring
morning when she walked down the driveway by herself to open the gate for her mate, who would
eventually follow in the automobile.
As she stood there waiting, she gazed up into the sky and found it to be more beautiful than it had
ever appeared before: It was rich in color, and the contrast of the brilliant blue sky and the strikingly
white clouds was amazing to her. She could hear the sweet songs of birds that were so far away she
could not see them, but their beautiful sound made her shiver with excitement as she heard them.
They sounded as if they were right above her head or sitting on her shoulder. And then she became
aware of many different delicious fragrances fowing from plants and fowers and earth, moving in
the wind and enveloping her. She felt alive and happy and in love with her beautiful world. And she
said right out loud, “There can never have been, in all of the Universe, a more beautiful moment in
time than this, right here, right now!”
And then she said, “Abraham, it is you, isn’t it?” And we smiled a very broad smile through her
lips, for she had caught us peeping through her eyes, hearing through her ears, smelling through her
nose, feeling through her skin.
“Indeed,” we said, “we are enjoying the deliciousness of your physical world through your physical
Those moments in your life when you feel absolute exhilaration are moments of complete
alignment with the Source within you. Those moments when you feel powerful attraction to an idea,
or keen interest, are also moments of complete alignment. In fact, the better you feel, the more in
alignment you are with your Source— with who-you-really-are.
This alignment with your Broader Perspective will not only allow you faster achievement of the big
things that you want in life—like wonderful relationships, satisfying careers, and the resources to do
the things you really want to do—but this conscious alignment will enhance every moment of your
day. As you tune yourself to the perspective of your Inner Being, your days will be flled with
wonderful moments of clarity, satisfaction, and love. And that is truly the way you intended to live
while here in this wonderful place, this wonderful time, and this wonderful body.
I Can Deliberately Choose to Feel Better
The reason that Esther was able to allow that fuller perspective of Abraham to fow through her,
providing her with such a delicious experience, was because she had begun that day by looking for
reasons to feel good. She looked for the frst thing to feel good about while she was still lying in her
bed, and that good-feeling thought attracted another and another and another and another and
another, until by the time she reached the gate (which was approximately two hours later), by virtue
of her deliberate choice of thoughts, she had brought her vibrational frequency to a level that was
close enough to matching that of her Inner Being that her Inner Being was able to easily interact
with her.
Not only does the thought you are choosing right now attract the next thought and the next . . . and
so on—it also provides the basis of your alignment with your Inner Being. As you consistently and
deliberately think and speak more of what you do want and less of what you do not want, you will
fnd yourself more often in alignment with the pure, positive essence of your own Source; and under
those conditions, your life will be extremely pleasing to you.
Could Illness Be Caused by Negative Emotion?
Esther’s experience at the gate was dramatically enhanced by her vibrational alignment with her
Source and therefore with absolute Well-Being. But it is also possible for you to experience the
opposite of that enhanced experience if you are out of alignment with Source and Well-Being. In
other words, sickness or illness, or lack of Well-Being, occurs when you vibrationally disallow your
alignment with Well-Being.
Whenever you experienced negative emotion (fear, doubt, frustration, loneliness, and so on), that
feeling of negative emotion was the result of your thinking a thought that did not vibrate at a
frequency that was in harmony with your Inner Being. Through all of your life experiences—
physical and Non-Physical—your Inner Being, or the Total You, has evolved to a place of knowing.
And so, whenever you are consciously focused upon a thought that does not harmonize with that
which your Inner Being has come to know—the resultant feeling within you will be one of negative
If you were to sit on your foot and cut off the circulation of the fow of blood, or if you were to put a
tourniquet around your neck and restrict the fow of oxygen, you would feel immediate evidence of
the restriction. And, in like manner, when you think thoughts that are not in harmony with the
thoughts of your Inner Being, the fow of Life Force, or Energy, that comes into your physical body
is stifed or restricted—and the result of that restriction is that you feel negative emotion. When you
allow that negative emotion to continue over a long period of time, you often experience
deterioration of your physical body.
Remember, every subject is really two subjects: what is wanted or lack of what is wanted. It is like
picking up a stick with two ends: One end represents what you do want; the other end represents
what you do not want. So the stick called “Physical Well-Being” has “wellness” on one end and
“illness” on the other. However, people do not experience “illness” only because they are looking at
the negative end of the “Physical Well-Being” stick, but because they have been looking at the “I
know what I don’t want” end of many, many sticks.
When your chronic attention is upon things that you do not want—while the chronic attention of
your Inner Being is upon the things that you do want—over time, you cause a vibrational separation
between you and your Inner Being, and that is what all illness is: separation (caused by your choice
of thoughts) between you and your Inner Being.