What Is the Story I’m Now Telling? - INSPIRING LIFE

Solutions for Everything in Life.

اخر الأخبار



What Is the Story I’m Now Telling?

A very effective way to begin to tell that new story is to listen to the things that you are now saying
throughout your day, and when you catch yourself in the middle of a statement that is contrary to
what you want, stop and say, “Well, I clearly know what it is that I don’t want. What is it that I do
want?” Then deliberately and emphatically make your statement of desire.
I hate this ugly, old, unreliable car.
I want a pretty, new, reliable car.
I’m fat.
I want to be slender.
My employer doesn’t appreciate me.
I want to be appreciated by my employer.
Many would protest, claiming that a simple rewording of a sentence will not make a shiny new car
appear in your driveway, or change your fat body to one that is slender, or cause your employer to
suddenly change her personality and begin to treat you differently—but they would be wrong.
When you deliberately focus upon any desired subject, often proclaiming it to be as you want it to
be, in time you experience an actual shift in the way you feel about the subject, which indicates a
vibrational shift.
When your vibration shifts, your point of attraction shifts, and, by the powerful Law of Attraction,
your manifestational evidence or indicator must shift, also. You cannot talk consistently of the
things you do want to experience in your life without the Universe delivering the essence of them to

The Pivoting Process Can Reorient My Life

The Process of Pivoting is a conscious recognition that every subject is really two subjects, and then
a deliberate speaking or thinking about the desired aspect of the subject. Pivoting will help you
activate within yourself the aspects that you desire regarding all subjects; and once you accomplish
that, the essence of the things that you desire, on all subjects, must come into your experience.
There is an important clarifcation that we must make here: If you are using words that speak of
something that you desire while at the same time you are feeling doubt about your own words, your
words are not bringing you what you want, because the way you are feeling is the true indication of
the creative direction of your thought-vibration. The Law of Attraction is not responding to your
words but to the vibration that is emanating from you.
However, since you cannot speak of what you do want and what you do not want at the same time,
the more you speak of what you do want, the less frequently you will be speaking of what you do
not want. And if you are serious about telling it like you want it to be rather than like it is, you will,
in time (and usually a rather short time), change the balance of your vibration. If you speak it often
enough, you will come to feel what you speak.
But there is something even more signifcantly powerful about this Process of Pivoting: When life
seems to have you negatively oriented toward the lack of something you want, and when you make
the statement “I know what I do not want; what is it that I do want?” the answer to that question is
summoned from within you, and in that very moment the beginning of a vibrational shift occurs.
Pivoting is a powerful tool that will instantly improve your life.

