What are its positive aspects? - INSPIRING LIFE

Solutions for Everything in Life.

اخر الأخبار



What are its positive aspects?

Whenever you feel negative emotion, that’s your emotional guidance system giving you an
indication that you are in that moment looking at negative aspects of something. And in doing so,
you’re depriving yourself of something wanted. If you will set an intention to look for positive
aspects in whatever you’re giving your attention to, you will begin to immediately see the evidence
of the lifting of patterns of resistance, as the Universe is then allowed by your shift in vibration to
deliver your long wanted desires to you.
People often move from job to job, profession to profession, employer to employer, only to find the
next place no better than the last. And the reason for that is, they take themselves everywhere they
go. When you go to a new place, and you continue to complain about what was wrong with your
last position in order to explain why you came to the new position, the same vibrational mix of
resistance goes with you and continues to prevent the things you want from coming to you.
The best way to accomplish an improved work environment is to focus upon the best things about
where you currently are, until you flood your own vibrational patterns of thought with appreciation.
And in that changed vibration you can then allow the new and improved conditions and
circumstances to come into your experience.
Some worry that if they follow our encouragement to look for good things about where they are,
that it will only hold them longer in an unwanted place. But the opposite is really true. In your state
of appreciation you lift all self-imposed limitations (and all limitations are self-imposed) and you
free yourself for the receiving of wonderful things.
The vibration of true love, that feeling of being in love, that feeling that you have sometimes when
you see someone and you feel like you’re moving through one another, the feeling that you have
when you’re looking at the innocence of a child and feeling the beauty and the power of that child,
love and appreciation are identical vibrations. Appreciation is the vibration of alignment with who
you are. It’s the absence of resistance. It’s the absence of doubt and fear. It’s the absence of selfdenial
or hatred toward others. Appreciation is the absence of everything that feels bad and the
presence of everything that feels good. When you focus upon what you want, when you tell the
story of how you want your life to be, you’ll come closer and closer to the vicinity of appreciation,
and when you reach it, it will pull you toward all things that you consider to be good in a very
powerful way.
Conversely, let’s talk about the difference between gratitude and appreciation. Many people use
those words interchangeably, but we do not feel the same vibrational essence in them at all. Because
when you feel gratitude, often you’re looking at the struggle that you’ve overcome. In other words,
you’re happy that you’re still not in the struggle, but there’s still some of that struggle vibration
present. In other words, the difference between inspiration, which is being called to who you are,
and motivation, which is trying to make yourself go somewhere, is a similar difference.
Appreciation is that tuned in tapped in turned on feeling.
Appreciation is vibrational alignment with who I have become.
The state of appreciation is me being in sync with the whole of that which I am.
Being in the state of appreciation is seeing whatever you’re looking at through the eyes of Source.
And when you are in that state of appreciation, you could walk down a crowded street, with all
kinds of things that a lot of other people would find reason to criticize or worry about, and you
would not have access to them, because your vibration of appreciation is picking out for you things
of a different vibrational nature.
A state of appreciation is a state of godliness.
A state of appreciation is being who-you-really-are.
A state of appreciation is who you were the day you were born and who you will be in the moment
you die.
And it would be, if we were standing in your physical shoes, our quest in every moment.
Your friend Joseph Campbell used the word bliss. And we think it’s equal. Follow your bliss. But
sometimes you cannot get a whiff of bliss from where you are.
So we say, if you’re in despair, follow your revenge. It’s downstream, it’s the right direction.
If you’re in revenge, follow your hatred. It’s downstream, it’s in the right direction.
If you’re in hatred, follow your anger. It’s downstream.
If you’re in anger, follow your frustration. It’s downstream.
If you’re in frustration, follow your hope. It’s downstream.
If you’re in hope, now you’re in the vicinity of appreciation. Once you get into the vibration of
hope, now begin making lists of things you feel good about. Fill your notebooks full of them. Make
lists of positive aspects, make lists of things you love, go to the restaurant and look for your favorite
things and never complain about anything. Look for things that you like the best. Even if there’s
only one thing in all of that that you like, give it your undivided attention and use it as your excuse
to be who you are. And as you use those things that shine bright and make you feel good as your
excuse to give your attention and be who you are, you will tune to who you are, and the whole
world will begin to transform before your eyes. It’s not your job to transform the world for others,
but it is your job to transform it for you.
A state of appreciation is pure connection to Source where there is no perception of lack.

My time at work is perceptual

In the same way that many people are focused upon a shortage of money, there are also many who
are focused upon a shortage of time. And often these two lackful subjects are intertwined to
negatively impact one another. Usually the reason for this detrimental coupling of lackful subjects
is the feeling that there is just not enough time to do what’s necessary to achieve success. The
primary reason that people feel a shortage of time is because they’re trying to get too much leverage
out of their action. If you are unaware of the power of alignment and are making little or no effort at
finding your personal alignment, if you’re overwhelmed or angry or resentful or ornery, and from
those emotional perspectives you’re then offering your action to try to accomplish things, you’re
very likely experiencing a severe shortage of time. There simply is not enough action in the world
to compensate for the misalignment of energy. But when you care about how you feel, and you tend
to your vibrational balance first, then you experience what feels like a cooperative Universe that
seems to open doors for you everywhere.
The physical effort required of someone who is in alignment is a fraction of that required to
someone who is not. The results experienced by someone who is in alignment are tremendous in
comparison with the results experienced by someone who is not. If you’re feeling a shortage of time
or money, your best effort would be to focus upon better-feeling thoughts, to make long lists of
positive aspects, to look for reasons to feel good, and to do more things that make you feel good
when you do them. Taking the time to feel better, to find positive aspects, to align with who-youreally-
are, will net you tremendous results and help you balance your time much more effectively.
Shortage of time is not your problem. Shortage of money is not your problem. Shortage of
connection to the Energy that creates worlds is what is at the heart of all sensations of shortage that
you’re experiencing. Those voids, or shortages, can be filled with only one thing – connection to
Source and alignment with who-you-really-are.
Your time is a perceptual thing. And even though the clock is ticking the same for everyone, your
alignment affects your perception as well as the results that you allow. When you set time aside to
envision your life as you want it to be, you access a power that is unavailable to you when you
focus upon the problems of your life.
As you observe the enormous differences in the effort that people apply and the results they
achieve, you have to conclude that there is more to the equation of achieving than action alone. The
difference is, that some receive the benefit of the leverage of alignment because of the thoughts they
think, while others disallow the leverage because of the thoughts they think.
Imagine yourself running 1 mile. And in this mile there are 2000 doors to move through. Imagine
coming to each door and then having to personally open it before you can run through it. Now
imagine running the mile, and as you approach each door, the door is opened for you, so you’re able
to continue the pace slowing not at all upon approaching each door.
When you’re in alignment with the Energy that creates worlds, you no longer have to stop and open
the doors, your Energy alignment allows things to line up for you. And the action that you offer is
the way you enjoy the benefit of the alignment that you’ve accomplished.

