Attracting money and manifesting abundance - INSPIRING LIFE

Solutions for Everything in Life.

اخر الأخبار



Attracting money and manifesting abundance

While money is not absolutely essential to your experience, to most people money and freedom are
synonymous. And since an intense awareness of your right to be free is at the very core of that
which you are, it then follows that your relationship with money is one of the most important
subjects of your life experience. And so, it’s no wonder you have such strong feelings about the
subject of money. Although some people have discovered the freedom of allowing large amounts of
money to flow through their experience, it’s more often the case that because you’re experiencing
far less money than you need or desire, most of you are not feeling free. It is our intention here to
clearly explain why this financial disparity exists, so that you can begin to allow the abundance that
you want and deserve into your experience. As you read these words, and as you begin to resonate
with these Law based truths, you will align your desire with the abundance of your world and then
the evidence of your new found alignment will soon become apparent to you and others who
observe you. Whether you’re one who’s been working to achieve financial abundance for many
years or you’re a youngster just starting down that path, the journey to financial Well-Being does
not have to be a long one from where you are. And it does not require large amounts of time or
physical effort, for we’re going to explain to you in simple and easy to understand terms how to
utilize the leverage of Energy that’s available to you. We want to show you the absolute correlation
between the thoughts you’ve been thinking about money, the way you feel when you think those
thoughts and the money that flows into your experience. When you’re able to consciously make that
correlation, and you decide to deliberately direct your thoughts accordingly, you’ll access the power
of the Universe and you’ll then see how time and physical effort are rather irrelevant to your
financial success.
So, we’ll begin with the simple premise of your Universe and of your world – YOU GET WHAT
YOU THINK ABOUT. Often people say to us, “That can’t be true, because I’ve wanted and
thought about money for as long as I can remember, but I continue to struggle and not have enough
money”. And what we tell them then is the most important thing for you to understand if you want
to improve your financial situation - the subject of money is really two subjects: money, plenty of
money, the feeling of freedom and ease that plenty of money can provide, and absence of money,
not nearly enough money, the feeling of fear or disappointment that the thought of absence of
money induces. Often people assume that because they’re speaking the words “I want more
money”, they’re speaking positively about money. But when you’re speaking of money, or
anything, and you’re feeling fear or discomfort as you speak, you’re not speaking about the subject of money, but instead you’re speaking about the subject of not enough money. And the difference is
very important because the first statement brings money, and the second holds it away.
It is of value for you to become aware of how you are really thinking, and, more important, how
you’re feeling about money. If you’re thinking or saying things like, “Oh, that’s a very beautiful
thing, but I can’t afford it”, you’re not in the vibrational place to allow the abundance in that you
desire. The feeling of disappointment that is present as you acknowledge that you cannot afford it is
your indicator that the balance of your thought is pointed more toward the lack of your desire than
toward the desire itself. The negative emotion that you feel as you acknowledge that you cannot
afford something that you want is one way of understanding the balance of your thoughts, and the
amount of abundance that you’re actually experiencing is another way of knowing it.
Many people continue to perpetuate the experience of not enough in their lives simply because they
don’t think beyond the reality of what they’re actually experiencing. In other words, if they’re
experiencing the shortage of money, and are aware of it and speak of it often, they hold themselves
in that chronic position. And so, many people protest when we explain to them the power of telling
the story of their finances as they want it to be rather than as it is, because they believe that they
should be factual about what’s happening. But we want you to understand that if you continue to
look at what-is and speak of what-is, you will not find the improvement that you desire. You may
see a parade of changing faces and places, but your life experience will essentially show no
If you want to effect substantial change in your life experience, you have to offer substantially
different vibrations, which means you must think thoughts that feel different as you think them.

Lackful action doesn‘t pay off

Jerry: Abraham, many years ago I owned a motel down near El Paso, TX, and one of the wealthiest
men in the United States (he was one of the multibillionaires) called me. He purchased a small
resort down on the Rio Grande river, that was financially failing. And he‘d heard that I might have
some useful information to help him turn it around. As we were visiting in my little coffee shop, I
had a difficult time focusing on our conversation, because I just couldn‘t understand why a man,
that wealthy, would be still discontent and looking for a way of making more money. I wondered
why he didn‘t just sell the place at whatever price and go on about his life enjoying the money he‘d
already accumulated. And I have another friend who is in multibillionaire class. We were in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, walking on the beach, a few years ago. And he was talking about some business problems he was having. And it really struck me that that man, so wealthy, would have any kinds of
troubles. But what I’ve learned from you, Abraham, and I’ve learned a lot from you, is that our true
success in life is not about how much money we have, or about having the things, right?

