Getting the Law of Attraction to work for you! - INSPIRING LIFE

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Getting the Law of Attraction to work for you!

In 2006, many people were introduced to the Law of Attraction through the book
and movie called The Secret. That is how I was introduced to this life-changing
universal law that is working every second of every day for every person, being and
object on the planet. After The Secret was revealed to the mainstream population, I
heard so many people feel excitement about finally having the tools to take control
of their life, rather than life controlling them. But then quickly these same people
declared, "this doesn't work" when they failed to receive what they asked for. They
gave up and felt defeated. Some gave up too soon, while others did not fully grasp
how to work the Law.
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Over the years, I have learned many nuances to the Law of Attraction. I have studied
the Law since 2006, devoured countless books on the topic, taken courses, and even
became certified as a counselor in the Law. Each time I read something about the
Law, I learn a different aspect of how to consciously work the Law in a positive
If you have tried to manifest your heart’s desires through the Law of Attraction and
received nothing, let me share a few basic tenants to help get you started on the path
to consciously working the Law of Attraction into your life:
First: Everything in the world is made up of energy ... your car, your computer,
and you. As such, everything gives off a vibration of energy. In simple terms,
vibrations can feel good or bad. For example, when you first meet someone, you may
“click” with the person (positive vibration) or be repelled (negative vibration). The
basic tenant of the Law is that "what you give out, you receive back." So if you are
filled with positive and joyful thoughts and feelings, you will give out a positive
vibration and draw in people and situations to match your vibration. If you are
negative, you will give off a negative vibration and attract people and situations to
match your negativity.
Second: There are two primary emotions that humans feel: love and fear. In
between are a myriad of feelings, but you can categorize all feelings as either based in
love or fear. Feelings from love are positive vibrations, whereas feelings from fear are
negative vibrations. Any feeling other than love is a negative vibration. Feeling "okay"
is not love and, therefore, is a negative vibration. Tuning in to your feelings is an
important aspect of the Law. If you listen to your feelings and your intuitive
reactions, those feelings will tell you whether you have a positive or negative
vibration. For example, if you walk into your workplace lunchroom where a group of
people are gossiping, you may feel uncomfortable entering the room and will sense
their negative vibration.
Third: If you want to attract what you truly desire, you must be filled with a
positive vibration. Even if you don't know what you want, emitting a positive
vibration will draw situations and people to you that will help you towards what you
desire. Simply put, you must live your life with love. When you emanate love, you
are in a good mood and see the good in everything you encounter. When you
emanate love, you will become a magnet for beneficial people, circumstance and
events to come to you. If you encounter a friend, co-worker, or situation that has
been negative in the past, find one thing about the person or situation to love and
focus on that. You will then send off a positive vibration to that person or situation.
For example, if you do not like your job, find one thing that you truly love about it
and put your focus on that. Then watch how your energy changes for the better and
you will soon find more things to love about your job. If you have had a relationship
end, do not focus on the hurt. Instead, accept that your vibration no longer matched
your partner and room is being made for a new relationship to arrive that is a better
match. Wish the other person well and send them off with love. If the relationship had previously been filled with animosity or hurtful/hateful actions, you will find
that sending positive energy will override the negativity.
Fourth: If you are feeling "okay", stuck, lost or depressed focus on gratitude to
raise your vibration. Every morning, every evening, and throughout the day, write
down or mentally list at least 10 things that you are grateful for. "I am grateful for
the beautiful sky today, I am grateful for doing this gratitude exercise, I am grateful
for my pet who loves me unconditionally ..." When you focus your thoughts on
gratitude, your emotions shift to love. You cannot be grateful and fearful at the same
time. Focusing on gratitude will help you shift to love and draw in what you want in
life. If you are someone who has lost their job and has found it difficult to become
re-employed, spend time focusing on what you can be grateful for, such as, “I am
grateful for the opportunity to work in a different venue, I am grateful to have this
time to clear my mind and focus on finding a job that I love, I am grateful for
knowing that the Law of Attraction will help me attract my perfect job …”
Fifth: Tune in to your thoughts and your words. If you are concerned about
money and think or say "I cannot afford that," then the Universe will arrange it so
that money is a struggle. Instead, express how grateful you are for the money that
you have, even if you have little and desire more. When you are grateful for what
you have and spend the money filled with love and gratitude (rather than paying
bills out of fear), it opens the path for more money to flow to you. Love removes the
block and restrictions. By engaging love, you will be more giving (of your time,
money and loving feelings) and will receive back what you give freely. Remember,
what you give out you always get back. And most importantly, do not worry, fret or
second-guess because that emits fear and will cancel out a positive vibration.
While there are more nuances to the Law of Attraction, these 5 steps will start you
on the path to manifesting more positive aspects into your life. It takes time to
genuinely change your thoughts, feelings and actions to a more positive vibration so
do not give up after a day, a week, or even a month. In time, you will start to notice
positive changes around you so long as you do not doubt, fret, worry or shift to a
negative and fearful vibration.
To fully embrace the Law of Attraction into your life, contact me at for individualized coaching based on the Law of
Attraction and learn how to consciously manifest harmony in your life.

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