Some More About Law of Attraction Miracle Method - INSPIRING LIFE

Solutions for Everything in Life.

اخر الأخبار



Some More About Law of Attraction Miracle Method

Since I have been following the techniques in this system I have received several miracles in my
own life.
Here are some further demonstrations:
1. As mentioned above, my gross business revenue increased four-fold in four months.
Every day it is getting stronger and increasing. In addition, the first two Law of Attraction
Miracle Method clients attained their miracles in a short time. One received a raise for $18,000
and the other met a soul mate candidate.
2. I received an offer to renovate my home for free. All I had to do was buy the materials
and my generous benefactors provided the labor for me!
3. I received two significant gifts of “found” money.
4. A relationship healing I asked for began happening.
5. I failed at a large event I was doing and lost an important business liaison!
You might be wondering, “Ha? Did you say what I thought you said?”
“Yep, I did.” I wanted to get your attention, but that did really happen.
When you get to the point in life when you see everything in your life as “good,” you will have
aligned with “Law of Attraction Miracle Method.” The more you align with your “Law of
Attraction Miracle Method,” the more miracles are going to appear before you.
Getting into “Law of Attraction Miracle Method” is more than faking a happy smile about
everything. Have you ever noticed some “New Agers” going about acting like Ms. Pollyanna
Positive? Whether they feel it or not they will make everything seem positive. It‟s almost like
they are in denial.
Denial will get you nowhere, except stuck. You need to acknowledge when you feel something
whether it be good or bad, but still be grateful for it!
It is like leaning into everything as if it were a beautiful lake you are swimming through. The
more you swim, the more you will flow in LOVE. The more you flow in LOVE, the more you
will be led to follow the energy your soul has prepared for you in this lifetime.
This energy has power. It is miraculous. This energy is synchronistic. It allows your destiny to

Finding Love With The Law of Attraction Miracle Method

My sister spent many years trying to find love. Our father did not want her to marry her first
love because she was too young, so she didn‟t. She searched for many years to finally find a
husband, but he died young.
She was left to care for their two sons alone. For about twenty years she tried to find true love in
many rude substitutes. Finally after her last failed relationship she said to herself, “I am going to
stop trying to conjure up love. I am going to simply surrender to my destiny. If I am meant to be
alone I will enjoy my life anyway.”
It is important to emphasize what happened at this point. My sister stopped trying to find love.
She stopped answering personal ads, asking friends to “set her up,” and evaluating the latest
male candidate in her life for commitment and mating.
She decided instead she would simply enjoy the process of living. She began to LOVE.
Four months later while she was out socializing, she ran into a man. It was the man she had
loved many years before, whom our father did not want her to marry! They started dating and
now have been married for almost ten years.
When you stop trying to manifest, align with your heart, get at peace with what is in your life,
you will find your life will have a sort of energy to it which leads you along. This energy is
miraculous and magical. It is called LOVE.

Law of Attraction Miracle Method Summary

The steps to release your miracle magical luck are defined in the acronym “LOVE.”
What is love? LOVE is a state of being connected to the simple bliss of the moment.
Love is laden with bliss, dripping in it, overwhelmingly nestled in it. When you are experiencing
bliss or joy, you are in the love vibration.
There is something innately magical about living in the love vibration. Love is present, prescient
and powerful. Love is the infinite place from which miracles arise. It is not competitive or
outcome oriented. It simply is.
When you learn to live in the nonresistant state of LOVE you will flow smoothly from one
moment to the next in a magnetic field of attraction. This is The Law of Attraction Miracle
You will live in a highly intuitive state. Your dreams might start revealing the next step you
should take in your life. You might get a hunch to do something, follow it and find out it was the
right action to take.
Manifesting is smooth in the now. It is more like magic than manifesting, because the now is
LOVE. The now is your soul speaking to you. The now is the Tao (pronounced Dow) or flow of
the universe.

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