What are the risks of letting your dog sleep in bed with you? - INSPIRING LIFE

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What are the risks of letting your dog sleep in bed with you?

Owner, beware. The risks of allowing your dog to sleep in the same bed as you are too great to avoid talking about.
If you make the choice to allow your dog to share your bed with you, here are some of the risks that can be associated with doing so:
  • Your dog may begin to become greedy—if this occurs, be prepared to have your entire bed, and all of the sheets on it stolen from you. Yes, they will have no qualms about taking from their owner.
  • You may awake to your dog cuddling you without your consent.
  • They may show signs of aggression when they feel that you, their trusty, loving owner are in danger—how dare they try and protect you!
And, worst of all?
  • They may begin to expect you to allow them to be close to you….the nerve.
  • Above: My dog, Larry, taking over my sister’s bed and showing no remorse
    Dog owners, the choice is yours, choose wisely.

    If this is unclear, this was written to inform the reader that there aren’t health risks associated with letting your dog sleep with you. My apologies if my sarcasm cloaked my overall answer and made it difficult to understand for some.

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