5 Signs Your Himalayan Salt Lamp is a Fake! - INSPIRING LIFE

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5 Signs Your Himalayan Salt Lamp is a Fake!

The first time I saw a Himalayan salt lamp, I thought it was the coolest thing ever, based solely on how it looked. It wasn’t until years later that I learned just how awesome Himalayan salt lamps really are.
They’ll improve your mental clarity, cleanse the air in your room and help you get better sleep, among many other things.
Unfortunately, those benefits – along with the lamps’ rising popularity – make Himalayan salt lamps a prime target for counterfeiters.

Protect yourself and your wallet by learning what to keep an eye out for.

5 Signs Your Himalayan Salt Lamp Is Fake

#1 – It’s White And Cost Next To Nothing

White Himalayan salt is harder to come across than the pink variety. As such, genuine white Himalayan salt lamps (like this one) tend to cost several times as much. Expect to pay upwards of $50 online.
What do you get for that price jump? Well, in addition to rarity, white Himalayan salt lamps are also the preferred variety for detoxification and healing.

#2 – It’s Super Heavy… Yet It Emits Light Well


Genuine Himalayan salt manufacturers recommend that their products be placed in a cool, dry area. That’s because the salt will absorb any moisture around it and begin to shrink.
You can test your lamp by taking a damp cloth and gently rubbing the lamp. The part of the cloth you’ve rubbed should have noticeable discoloration and the lamp should look like it’s “weeping.”
If those two things don’t happen? It’s time to dig up that receipt.

#5 – Nothing Changes

All of your life’s problems are not going to be solved by a Himalayan salt lamp. But after a couple weeks of using one in your home, you should notice a few things, including:
  • Reduced allergy or asthma symptoms
  • Increased energy levels
  • Better sleep
  • Improved depression
  • Reduced stress
Miners of Himalayan salt are among the happiest people in the world. If you’ve had a fake lamp with no results after a few weeks, it could be mixed with toxins like fluoride – an unfortunately common occurrence.

Looking for a genuine salt lamp? Here’s a popular, best-selling model.

Have a look at this video from David’s Facebook page to learn more about what a genuine Himalayan salt lamp can do for you!

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