Donald Trump Canceled Nuclear Summit With The Leader Of North Korea, Kim Jong Un - INSPIRING LIFE

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Donald Trump Canceled Nuclear Summit With The Leader Of North Korea, Kim Jong Un

People are well aware of the relationship that Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un share. And now the latest news has fueled up the controversies of things not being well between the President of the USA and the leader of North Korea. Recently, Donald Trump canceled a nuclear summit with Kim Jong Un which was going to held in Singapore.

Trump wrote a letter to Kim Jong Un in which he made very clear that he is not interested in having any meetings with him. The summit was to be held on 12 June in Singapore which is now canceled.
A letter from White House has sent to the leader of North Korea in which Donald Trump said, “I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting”. The letter was sent to him on Thursday morning.
Donald Trump canceled nuclear summit with leader of north korea Kim Jong Un
To his response, the government spokesperson of North Korea said,“We are attempting to make sense of what, precisely, President Trump means,”. 
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Following is the letter Donald Trump sent to the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un:

Donald Trump canceled nuclear summit with leader of north korea Kim Jong Un

Although Trump also did mention in the letter that they could plan for another meeting to discuss the denuclearization of Korea but the time was not mention. Is this suppose to mean that Donal Trump is trying to avoid Kim Jong Un?
Trump doesn’t seem very much fond of North Korea. He accused the country of “tremendous anger and open hostility”.
Donald Trump canceled nuclear summit with leader of north korea Kim Jong Un
The canceled nuclear summit did affect the leader of North Korea in some ways. Kim was really looking forward to the meet. Although, Donald Trump also mentioned in his letter that he was really looking forward to it too.
He stated, “Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting,”.
Donald Trump canceled nuclear summit with leader of north korea Kim Jong Un
Most of the letter was written in a friendly tone, but Trump did bite him in some of his lines.
“You talk about your nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God they will never have to be used,” Trump wrote.
The relations between North Korea and South Korea is not right either. Before Thursday, Vice foreign president of North Korea Choe Son Hui, called Vice President Mike Pence, a ‘political dummy’.
“As a person involved in U.S. affairs, I cannot suppress my surprise at such ignorant and stupid remarks gushing from the mouth of the U.S. vice president,” Choe said.
Donald Trump canceled nuclear summit with leader of north korea Kim Jong Un
Well, the letter of Donald Trump did fuel the controversies of war between the two countries. Trump wanted North Korea to give up all of the weapons they have relating to the nuclear war. Kim Jong Un never agreed to that but he did settle on some levels.
Nuclear summit is the world summit. It helps to prevent the nuclear wars and terrorism around the globe. North Korea has warned Trump before about the nuclear war which he replied with a better answer.

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