Like Attracts Like - INSPIRING LIFE

Solutions for Everything in Life.

اخر الأخبار



Like Attracts Like

Although the cliché is that opposites attract, it is much more
frequent that like attracts like. If you want to attract a friend or
special relationship into your life, one of the most effective ways
to do this is to write down all the qualities that you’d like this person to have. Are they fi nancially secure, generous, loving,
adventurous, intelligent, self-confi dent, good-looking, athletic?
Write down every single quality you can think of.
Now go back through your list and be even more specifi c.
The reason it is important to be specifi c is that making a list is
a very powerful exercise and you might fi nd that the universe
delivers up exactly what you put on the list. For example, one
of the qualities one of my clients had written on her list was
“intelligent” and likes to read books. Well, for years she went
out with a very intelligent man who read books, never mind
that those were computer manuals! When she reviewed her list,
she realized that she was actually hoping to fi nd someone who
liked to read and discuss literature, so she made that item a bit
more specifi c. Another woman had written the heading, “My
Ideal Husband,” above her list of characteristics and then wondered
why she kept attracting married men (husbands).
Now that you have your detailed and specific list ready,
go through and see which of those qualities you are missing
in yourself—remember, like attracts like. Develop these qualities
as soon as you can. When I was buried in credit card debt,
I fantasized about meeting a Prince Charming who would be
so in love with me that he wouldn’t even blink at the debt and
would wipe it clean for me. Of course, he would be fabulously
wealthy. Instead I ended up attracting and dating a man who
had money, but was incredibly tight and even insisted on going
dutch. Hardly my idea of Prince Charming! But I had to learn
how to get myself out of the fi nancial mess I had gotten myself
into. After I paid off my debts and had plenty of savings, it was
easy to attract extremely successful and very generous men.
Now that I didn’t need their money, the men I dated always
insisted on paying for dinner. So if you want to attract someone
wealthy, the best way is to become wealthy yourself. If you want
to attract someone who is adventurous, start having your own
adventures today. Become the person you’d like to attract.

